A free Dixie will require of its future citizens economic and emotional secession. Unlike the power planners in D.C., we at Dixie Watchman do not believe we can be wiser at how you spend your time and hard earned money than you. We ask no money of you.
There are a thousand small things we believe you can do in your daily life to help break the empire of its hold on us.
examples include:
-shopping local, bypassing corporate retailers and restaurants that give money to Ethnocist groups
-get involved in local politics. Your Congressman or State legislator may not even return your phone calls, but your City Councilman or County Commissioner has to attend meetings and run in elections with unusually low turnout, where a handful of votes can make a difference. If this is still not enough to persuade to come around, consider you or someone you know running for the post.
-reconsider banking with megabanks and instead placing your money in local banking institutions. Not only does this keep your money local, but it stops mega banks from voluntarily spying on you.